Organic Gardener Magazine is a guide to organic gardening, providing informative and inspirational stories on everything you need to know to grow your own fruit and vegetables- without the use of harmful chemicals. Each issue includes practical tips and advice from leading organic gardening experts.
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ABC Organic Gardener Magazine
Natural choices for you and your garden.
reviews • Great reads that will challenge and inspire.
Fruits of the season • Looking to add autumn abundance to a small space? Connie Cao selects three fruit trees that will add fruit and colour.
Broad bean BOUNTY • Jian Liu loves growing and eating broad beans – a highly nutritious mainstay winter crop. Here are her secrets for success.
The great PUMPKIN HARVEST • Phil Dudman is ready to make the most of this year’s pumpkin crop. So can you with his advice on optimal picking time, storage tips and seed-saving essentials. Plus, preparing for next season.
THESE SHEDS ARE WINNERS! • We’ve chosen the top three in our Show Us Your Shed competition.
Growing together • Jacqueline Forster visits two First Nations-owned social enterprises that grow and sell traditional bushfoods, helping to foster a better understanding and greater awareness of culture and Country.
SOWING THE SEED • Muru Mittigar is a First Nations-led social enterprise, with a nursery that has the largest Indigenous-operated native seed bank in NSW.
Bushfoods to grow at home • Here are some flavoursome traditional bushfoods you can grow yourself.
FROGS in the city • Frogs can bring life and balance to natural systems – even in urban areas. Karen Sutherland explores how frogs move about, and some of the conservation projects helping them thrive.
Bring in the greenery • A new book by Lauren Camilleri and Sophia Kaplan profiles innovative homes and buildings from around the world that bring plants and gardens to the forefront of design. Here is one – Green Box in Lombardy, Italy – along with a short introduction from the authors.
COOL OPERATORS • Our experts provide planting ideas, pest advice and practical tips for the cool season garden.
the best of your
a garden to nourish • A new book celebrates the history of John and Sunday Reed’s property, Heide, with recipes from Australian chefs inspired by ingredients from the kitchen gardens.
Health boosting HEMP • Jessamy Miller explores the rise of hemp seed products, from flour to moisturisers, and their many benefits, now backed by research.
Ready and willing • Established in 1971, the international WWOOF program allows organic farmers to share their home and experience with travellers willing to work and learn – it has been life-changing for many, writes Simon Webster.
a beautiful brew • Helen Cushing loves making herbal teas that are fresh and vibrant from the garden. Here are her favourites.
Podcasts you’ll dig • Podcasts have boomed over the past decade, becoming a favourite medium for entertainment, education and inspiration. Phil Dudman explores some top Aussie gardening offerings.
Skateboards and feathers • Celebrity chook lady Elaine Janes recently lost her much-loved skateboarding rooster, Squiggles, prompting Steve Payne to ask about their special connection.
Pesky poultry worms and the truth about treatment • Intestinal worms have inspired more myths than any other aspect of backyard poultry keeping. Jessamy Miller sets the records straight on appropriate treatments.
Cucumber trauma • Simon Webster has grown a bumper crop of cucumbers, but can he get anyone to eat them?