Harrowsmith is still the reliable go-to for gardeners, weekend carpenters, homesteaders, hobby farmers and urban dwellers with romantic fantasies of country life. Harrowsmith publishes four issues a year in conjunction with the seasons.
The Season of New Beginnings
Roots of Possibility
Luck Be a Lady(bug)
Harrowsmith Spring • Practical tips to help you embrace the season
A History of Birdhouses • For all you trivia buffs, here’s everything you need to know about the origin of humans providing shelter for our feathered friends, and how to choose the best birdhouse for your property.
EARTH HOUR March 22 at 8:30 p.m. • If you are ever stuck for ideas to get the little ones in your life involved in a conversation about the environment, Earth Hour (or Earth Month in general, a.k.a. April) is a great place to start.
Happy World Water Day! • Five Simple Ways to Teach Kids to Conserve Water
BOOKSHELF • What we are reading this season
3 Tips for a Thriving Garden
Native Plants to Help Pollinators and Other Wildlife • Want to enjoy beautiful blooms, support pollinator populations and manage climate impacts all at once? Unleash the power of native plants!
A Honey of an Apple • Honeycrisps, with their juicy crunch and perfect balance of sweet and tart, have become a well-loved cultivar across North America. But, what makes them so special—and why do they remain everyone’s favourite? Columnist Michael Schultz was determined to find out.
Spring’s Town Crier
The 5 BIGGEST Gardening Mistakes • When novice gardeners pick up a trowel and get started on their horticultural adventures, their success often trips over some common “mistakes.” Be sure to read to the end of this article to get a full picture of gardening failure. Here is how you can advance from good to great:
chaos gardening • According to Aleeshia Carman and our friends at Toronto Botanical Garden, romanticism is dead and sustainability is alive for Gen Z.
Spring Ahead • Save more than just time by skipping the indoor seed stage. Gardening experts Mark and Ben Cullen share their best tips on how to direct sow with success.
The 5 Ws of LIVING WALLS • This decor element provides a literal breath of fresh air year-round.
The Many Faces of Mushrooms
The Power of Mushrooms • Heartee Foods, based in Ottawa, ON, is on a mission to make sustainably grown food accessible to everyone on the planet—one mushroom at a time.
Heat Pump, Furnace or Hybrid—Which is the Better Option in Canada? • Need a new furnace or central AC? Consider installing a heat pump. Here’s how to choose one, plus details about the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program.
Clearing the Air • When you consider factors like power, maintenance and environmental impact, there are some obvious differences between gas and electric yard tools. Urban journalist MARK DOUGLAS WESSEL gives us the dirt.
Market Place
Farmer’s Market Haul • Celebrating our community farmer’s markets in the spring is about more than just enjoying the arrival of the first local produce of the season—it’s a way to support nearby farmers, strengthen community ties and nurture sustainable living.
Go Wild! • Bob Blumer mixes local blueberries with Scandinavian flair and the result is a seasonal, savoury and sweet treat that will have everyone saying, “Det är jättegott!”
CELEBRATE SPRING • Bridal showers, Mother’s Day, Easter, Passover, Earth Day... spring is filled with perfect opportunities to gather with family and friends. To help you focus on what matters most —your guests — food pro and culinary teacher Claire Tansey shares one of her simple yet delicious menus, designed to take the stress out of...