Harrowsmith is still the reliable go-to for gardeners, weekend carpenters, homesteaders, hobby farmers and urban dwellers with romantic fantasies of country life. Harrowsmith publishes four issues a year in conjunction with the seasons--three print issues and a summer digital exclusive.
Mailbox • Letters, emails and social media posts from our readers
An Ode to Slowing Down
Harrowsmith Summer • Each issue, we showcase products, ideas and people that we know you’ll love, too
Summer Almanac: The Weather Outlook • Summer Almanac: The Weather Outlook Harrowsmith’s meteorology expert, Mark Sirois shares the weather highlights each region in Canada can expect this summer.
Summer Almanac: Astronomy • Harrowsmith’s astronomy editor, Robert Dick, outlines what you’ll see in the night sky this summer.
Jam brings joy • Lisa Swarbrick is the jam lady. Her jams and jellies have been winning ribbons at The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair for over two decades, and this year —The Royal’s 100th anniversary — will mark her 25th year as a competitor, something she is extremely proud of. She is a drama teacher by day and a self-described “jammer” and country girl at heart. Her motto, “jam brings joy,” is truly brought to life when was speaking to Harrowsmith this spring, just ahead of strawberry season.
How to get started • The first thing you should do is visit your local farmers' market because that’s where you’ll find great fruit and connect with good people. It’s lots of fun to forage too because finding fruit is an opportunity to connect with nature and in my case, see the frogs, birds, partridges and wild ducks. If you are picking It’s not about us going in and taking everything, it’s about sharing so I’m always very careful to never strip a patch bare, I take what I need.
COUNTRY Charm • In a cottage garden, it’s the plants that take centre stage. Mark and Ben Cullen share their top picks
When my garden gave me bolts, I made a bolt bouquet
A FAMILY AFFAIR • Hamilton’s Manorun Organic Farm turns the business of farming into a family legacy with deep roots in the community
In good hands • Finding a reliable farm sitter is a must for a worry-free getaway. Whether you’re the one hiring, or looking to get hired, here’s how to get started to find the right farm fit
A Homegrown Movement
Farm sitter 101
Things to bring when you are farm sitting
Wild in the city • For artist and author Virginia Johnson, her newly planted old-world garden is a magical retreat right in the heart of the city
7 Essentials for Modern Homesteading Success • There’s never been a time that offers as much potential for homesteading success as there is now. Steve Maxwell’s advice will help you tackle the challenges in the right way
How to Build a Really Great Farm Gate • The works-every-time design I use for every gate installation
Tools for Gate Work
Upcycling • Kitchen cast-offs reimagined as fun new planters
UNOFFICIAL GUIDE TO Coachella for 50-somethings • How a trip to a music festival can help you find the fountain of youth
Sweet, sweet Summer • Chef ILona Daniel makes alfresco dining easy with this fresh summertime menu
The Ohoo Mummy Burger • As you take your first bite of this burger and all its fixin’s, your taste receptors will be saturated with the pure essence of umami — and the elusive flavour profile will be forever imprinted on your palate
Getting the Most From Your Burger Bun
Rebuilding After the Storm • For...